Showing posts with label Expression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expression. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Writing: A passionate hobby

Hobby is what we like doing and enjoy while doing it. Definitely what we like doing is driven by some kind of urge, which to me, is passion. Passion brings richness to our heart, feeling of happiness, satisfaction of our mind and accomplishment of unintended milestones. Passions could bring the perfection and attainment of super height of achievement and deeper feelings of contentment. I bet, passion means many things to many people but nothing less than the excellence, which is ought to be there. Again the degree of excellence will vary depending upon the time spent on our passionate hobby.

I personally believe that writer neither can be created nor can be made, they just happened to be the writer. To some extent, I too believe that writers are born writers and remain hidden until they discover themselves that they can write. Writers too are different human beings and think differently from their peers, friends, soul mate and the society as a whole. Most of the writers begin their journey of penning down their first write-up or article and making their first appearence only when their feeling bursts out of their mind and wants to find a channel to vent this out. They write and communicate this to media for the public consumption.

As a first time writer, it is more of inquisitiveness and nervousness that write-up is published or not rather than the purpose accomplished through it. This is the time when one realizes the potential of his / her own writer and rate themselves honestly. Not that this is the first time they have written something worth or expressed something in their write-up. They very well know that they wrote many successive exam papers while they cross over their academics and the score and grade speaks volume about the fact that they can write.

However, this is the first time they might be facing the public through their write-up and nervousness is bound to bother them. But what they discover is something they never knew, believed and noticed until the day they saw their first write-up published.

Most often our writing hobby takes this route to surface in our image and we outgrow from the tag of being first time writer to be the writer first. But to some, the professional praise does not come so early. They do not get published at very first occasion. Do you think the fire of their passion dies down? If they truly love writing and if it is not just as a casual approach, they keep striving hard unless they prove their metal. In both the cases it is well found hobby, which one like to pursue.

To me, writing as hobby, I have cherished from the time I began reading (except the textbooks). I truly envy good writers who write beautifully with clear thought and good language. Though envy but love to read them, imbibe good arts of writing from their creation, love to appreciate them through reviews written for them. The good part of the whole episode is, writer look good when their writing is appreciated and loved by the reader. The internal beauty is more on display than their external beauty; rather external beauty does not matter at all for them. They are not judged as person because of their personality but because of their writing. An ugly looking person can be a beautiful writer and his or her beauty will be judged by their writing and not by their looks. Writing describes of being beautiful than looking beautiful.

Passion for writing percolates bringing out uncontrollable emotions, language of beautiful mind, dormant and oppressed people’s opinion, their inner voice, challenges of life, and many more things. Writing can create an everlasting impact on readers mind and it can be stored for longer time. Even if the readers write them off as rubbish, it remains as reference material.

As a hobby, writing is also a medium of self-expression. Many untold things can explicitly be the part of your writing; many contradictions have a place in your writing. The good part is that you say many things without facing the crowd. All this thing I intend to do with my writing too. I agree that I am not an acclaimed writer and have not been published as yet, but there is no harm taking writing as my passionate hobby. At least I will have no complains shying away from my self-expression.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Why do you write?

This is very awkward question. However, this question is not out of the box. People tend to ask you such questions when they know that you are in to writing and how you can be different from their profession, if they are holding on to something else for making their living. At the same time, you are also not oblige to answer this question but to be able to clear yourself and be able to understood by the larger crowd it is always good to have your reasons stated forward. That makes your life much easier and gets you off from the stupidity of this question. I know this question at a time can be very unpleasant yet the escape is difficult.

There are many good reasons for people to write and a few bad too. These reasons vary from people to people. Some people who are good at creating any form of writing and that has got market, he makes a living out of his writing. These are called the professional writers. There are other writers also who write but not for their living. Their profession is different from the one which they like doing i.e. writing. And if we compare the numbers of professional writers versus not the professional writers or amateur writers, I bet the later would outnumber the former. Especially with the emergence of Internet and Web Media the horizon have expanded horizontally and vertically in sheer numbers.

The professional writers have better place in the traditional media, publication houses, government and private firm’s documentation and communication department. On the other hand, amateur writers are driven by their whims and wishes, and write things of their mind. Obviously, amateur writers have been welcomed mostly in the new found media on the Internet, be it Citizen Journalism, Content writing, Product journalism, Blogs, or many other things, which are on the offerings every other days. I fall in to the category of amateur writer who happened to find a place in the professional writing world. The reason: the opportunity available in the job market and I could prove somehow that I can write. Otherwise also I like writing, so the job is of my liking.

As an amateur writer what drives you to write and publish on the Internet is really an interesting question. Most of my close encounters with my colleagues and acquaintances have provided me the bunch of their ideas as to why they want to write. Some of the ideas are really thought provoking and enlightening, some are humorous, some witty, and some of them aim to achieve something in life through their writing.

To one group, the idea to write is to make a statement, to share thoughts, to express themselves and finally to make a living! Though this is difficult proposition yet achievable. To many of the writers, they live with their writings but can not make decent living by writing. This fact is hard but has truth.

The second group, want to write and publish because they enjoy doing and that gives them an opportunity to think through an issue and provide new insight through their writing. They feel writing force them to think and make them more creative.

Third group believes that others writing are corny, so clean the bin with better writing. Moreover it’s a good way to improvise their English and the write-ups are saved on the Internet and can be re-used. They want to create something that might last longer than them.

To some writing is the expression of nostalgic thoughts, which otherwise can be lost. Writing supposed to be the best methods to record your say, others opinion, your imagination of future, your perspective of present and a criticism of past.

Some write to help or to enable people: To clarify, make something complex simple, to teach so that people can do things for themselves, be safer, may be even happier.

Some write as an expression of love: I love this world, the possibilities and beauty of it. They remain hopeful that we all might just somehow manage to get along without killing or hating each other. We might manage our ecosystem in such a way that equilibrium is maintained. Or, there would be one world where there will not be rich and poor divide. Truly, utopian to the core!

A little further, some write because they feel when they write they are honest to themselves. They create their own image and express themselves and in the process they believe that some part of their thought reaches out to the world and possibly touches the world to create small ripples of goodness.

To little extent some actually do write to create propaganda, confusion, ill effects and spread rumors. Though this kind of writing has immediate impact to a certain extent but does not have long lasting effect. It diminishes with the time. Whereas, good writing, always creates everlasting impact on our mind.

To some the meaning of writing might still be in formation stage and it will come up beautifully with the passage of time and with the blossom of season. Anyway, we all have a place in the world of writing; we just need to create it.