Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Writing: A passionate hobby

Hobby is what we like doing and enjoy while doing it. Definitely what we like doing is driven by some kind of urge, which to me, is passion. Passion brings richness to our heart, feeling of happiness, satisfaction of our mind and accomplishment of unintended milestones. Passions could bring the perfection and attainment of super height of achievement and deeper feelings of contentment. I bet, passion means many things to many people but nothing less than the excellence, which is ought to be there. Again the degree of excellence will vary depending upon the time spent on our passionate hobby.

I personally believe that writer neither can be created nor can be made, they just happened to be the writer. To some extent, I too believe that writers are born writers and remain hidden until they discover themselves that they can write. Writers too are different human beings and think differently from their peers, friends, soul mate and the society as a whole. Most of the writers begin their journey of penning down their first write-up or article and making their first appearence only when their feeling bursts out of their mind and wants to find a channel to vent this out. They write and communicate this to media for the public consumption.

As a first time writer, it is more of inquisitiveness and nervousness that write-up is published or not rather than the purpose accomplished through it. This is the time when one realizes the potential of his / her own writer and rate themselves honestly. Not that this is the first time they have written something worth or expressed something in their write-up. They very well know that they wrote many successive exam papers while they cross over their academics and the score and grade speaks volume about the fact that they can write.

However, this is the first time they might be facing the public through their write-up and nervousness is bound to bother them. But what they discover is something they never knew, believed and noticed until the day they saw their first write-up published.

Most often our writing hobby takes this route to surface in our image and we outgrow from the tag of being first time writer to be the writer first. But to some, the professional praise does not come so early. They do not get published at very first occasion. Do you think the fire of their passion dies down? If they truly love writing and if it is not just as a casual approach, they keep striving hard unless they prove their metal. In both the cases it is well found hobby, which one like to pursue.

To me, writing as hobby, I have cherished from the time I began reading (except the textbooks). I truly envy good writers who write beautifully with clear thought and good language. Though envy but love to read them, imbibe good arts of writing from their creation, love to appreciate them through reviews written for them. The good part of the whole episode is, writer look good when their writing is appreciated and loved by the reader. The internal beauty is more on display than their external beauty; rather external beauty does not matter at all for them. They are not judged as person because of their personality but because of their writing. An ugly looking person can be a beautiful writer and his or her beauty will be judged by their writing and not by their looks. Writing describes of being beautiful than looking beautiful.

Passion for writing percolates bringing out uncontrollable emotions, language of beautiful mind, dormant and oppressed people’s opinion, their inner voice, challenges of life, and many more things. Writing can create an everlasting impact on readers mind and it can be stored for longer time. Even if the readers write them off as rubbish, it remains as reference material.

As a hobby, writing is also a medium of self-expression. Many untold things can explicitly be the part of your writing; many contradictions have a place in your writing. The good part is that you say many things without facing the crowd. All this thing I intend to do with my writing too. I agree that I am not an acclaimed writer and have not been published as yet, but there is no harm taking writing as my passionate hobby. At least I will have no complains shying away from my self-expression.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is writing your Obsession?

Yesterday, around 10:30 at night, I called up one of my friends to learn about his job search run and the outcome of it after a month’s hunt. But surprisingly, Roy Arsenal, the one and only die-hard Arsenal fan I know, one of our good friends, answered the call. Roy is working for a news outsourcing company where he is handling four countries news editions, meant to be packaged for the sailors in the sea. Roy is not a man to be explained in few words or in few sentences. He is endowed with enormous quality and competence and virtually can learn any of the skills if it is of his liking. If he thinks he can do this, he does that.

A workaholic, passionate poet, football lover, voracious reader, Roy was not mature in mind to decide for his life to take up the job of his liking or to say even the opportunities were not that great those days when he started looking for the job.

Many of us when we were looking for sound job in those days with good money; Roy had made it in one of the Call center when there were only a few in the market or say during the beginning of the outsourcing business days. He was fast in work and popular choice on the floor. He was one of the few trusted employees who can pitch in any time for the skill display to salvage the prestige of the employer or getting a new business lead in terms of employee’s asset. And then on, one after the other, he kept on changing job with good money. Job was never a constraint for him.

Though, envious we were with each other on professional fronts, yet we were getting close on our selective choices. He loved reading and I too, he loved discussing many things on and off and out of the bound, may it be rubbish, ridiculous or highly thoughtful and most of the occasion I was there to say my rubbish and listen to his thought provoked talks. Most of the occasion, we used to be in different worlds of moods and swings where inhibition had no choices.

I clearly recall, working for a monthly magazine as a Special Correspondent and Research writer, I was hardly meeting my monitory needs and struggling to maintain my job. Whereas, Roy was royal and doing well, though he will not budge with his life for the sake of job. Amidst all, the days we pass together, I could feel Roy wants to get into writing. But he hardly spoke to me about his plans. Only when I left Delhi he started looking for a job in writing. Tough as it always would be because the writing world is filled with more pseudo writers who would not welcome a original writer even though a beginner in to its domain.

Roy struggle, stumble, falter but never said no to his choice of new found love in writing profession. The more he felt dejected, the more he became tougher and his conviction grew stronger to take on challenges. After all how long any one can deny the opportunities once you have the talent in you. Roy freelanced, blogged, stormed and blew the wind and stirred the undercurrent with some of his write-ups. He sustained with his meager savings and paltry earnings before he became the editor of the professional news agency.

Roy continued writing in many forms, for different audience. Last night when the drink was taking him high and shyness was blown off, came in a closely guarded secret. He no longer wants to remain on the payroll of the few business houses to survive as a writer. Bravo! The writer has finally got up from the slumber and wants to fight out and carve his niche. He works on his own project after his office hours, from night 8 PM to 4 AM in the morning. He precisely knows that spare time will never come into his life unless he makes it. Yes! The obsession of writing is working for him. He is madly in love with his writing.

He said, “I do not want to repent at the end saying that I never tried, at least I would be happy having tried. Rest I do not know.” As he puts cautiously, I can read between the lines his hidden ambition and silent attack. Whether he says or not I am going to say that he is going to make it big. When? I have no answer and even he will have no answer now. But I am sure his obsession of writing is going to take him as high as the towering mountains and as deep as bottom of the oceans.
May be Roy’s obsession is haunting my writer to be obsessed. Why don't you find out your writer in yourself?